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Normally when you think of stalkers, you think of celebrities as the stalk-ees. Jodie Foster, Janet Jackson, etc. The stalking can be overt, for example, sending letters or packages to the object de-stalk, or subtle, as I learned today from VH1. Apparently some people are so obsessed that they are getting plastic surgery to look like their stalk-ee, but that’s as far as they go. Strange but true…

But a friend of mine made a comment about some freak girl “stalking” her blog all the time. I thought it was strange, but apparently this girl is some sort of bipolar epitome of dysfunction and really does stalk normal people via their blogs or social networks. The chick even tried to friend me on facebook and myspace, and I have never even met her! She sent me a message that said “remember me?” Uh…no. I mean other than from what my friend told me about you, which was not flattering.

So the question is, what is it about a normal person that would cause someone else – say someone who doesn’t even know the person they’re stalking – to care enough to check up on them constantly? Is it gossip mining? Maybe boredom? But why stalk someone you don’t know out of boredom? Or could it be a fundamentally pathetic existence in which the stalker actually has nothing better to do with their time? Even like, working or something.

Posted on May 29th 2010 in Journal

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