windows project

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No, not Microsoft windows.

Our full-house window replacement job is underway.  This is a huge (and very expensive) undertaking.  It’s the biggest improvement project we’ve had done to-date, followed by the roof which we did ourselves.

Most of the new windows are already installed, with just some finishing work left.  The two largest windows are not even started.  The contractor came Monday and worked all day, getting quite a bit done for working all alone (his assistant was apparently AWOL).  He was supposed to come back this morning to finish the job.  I got a call from him at about 9am – his truck had broken down and he had it in the shop but said it should be fixed by noon, so would be here mid-day.  Well that came and went and no contractor.  He never showed up.  C and I went for a walk after dinner (around 7pm) and that’s when we finally heard back from the contractor.  Supposedly, all is well now and he will be here tomorrow morning.  I sincerely hope so because this project needs to be wrapped up by this weekend.  C goes back to work tomorrow so isn’t really going to be able to be up during the day to be available for the contractor’s access to our house.

Posted on August 31st 2010 in Journal

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