perpetually exhausted!

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Oh my god I am so tired lately, especially today because it is Monday and Mondays are always the worst.  I was dying at work today; not only struggling to remain semi-conscience, but struggling to keep my eyelids from clamping shut and my head from slamming on the desk as well.

I went to bed at around midnight last night.  No idea why…I guess I just wasn’t tired enough to fall asleep.  Plus I never seem to have time  for anything  these days.  Between work and J, I get about an hour of “me time” except for the weekends (and then, only slightly more).  So if I want to work out, clean the house, read, blog – anything- it needs to be done at a time of night I should be winding down and going to sleep.

And don’t take that the wrong way – I knew that J was going  to be very demanding and time consuming and I adore my sweet little peach with all my heart, but my lackluster time management is really starting to catch up with me.  I think I might need to put my ‘to do’s’ list on hold for a couple of weeks and just go to bed by 10pm every nigh to redevelop a healthier routine.  This 4-5 hours of sleep per night just isn’t working anymore.

On the other hand though, I really need to exercise each day for at least 1/2 hour but when am  I going to find the time?  Some people like to do it in the morning  before showering.  I can’t fathom that in my current state, but perhaps once I get to where I am going to bed earlier it might be feasible.  I REALLY hate getting out of bed early though – I loathe it.  I am the queen of snooze button utilization.  So we’ll see how it goes…

Here is a dramatization of me in my cube today.

one dead-looking chiquita!

Posted on September 20th 2010 in Journal

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