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So everyone  – let me rephrase that – EVERYONE – has some sort of stress  in their life, right?  But most of us can get along just fine without self-combusting, having a stroke, or shitting ourselves.  Or even, dare I say, make an utter fool ass of ourselves.

I don’t want to say too much, but some people have seemingly negligible “stresses” yet melt down like a sleepy toddler denied a cookie while you are wiping her nose over said stresses.  The details are not going to appear on this now-public blog, so instead I’ll just say this.  Some people- when mid-meltdown- look EXACTLY like those inflatable flying arm men that they have at car dealerships and such!  I know one and it is just so uncanny.  I even laugh out loud during his melt-downs because that’s all I see-  an inflatable balloon man, only without the smiling face.

this is the guy

Posted on September 25th 2010 in Journal

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