Avoid shopping on Saturdays

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I don’t think I’ll ever go to a Kohl’s on a Saturday afternoon again.  I should have known to turn around and go home when some lady almost broad-sided me in the parking lot when I pulled in (I had the right-of-way; she was cutting across parking spots, not driving in a lane at all).

I found a parking spot anyway, intent on finding a new duvet cover.  Julia gleefully tossed her Elmo out the door and right into a water puddle when I opened the back door to get her out.  Inside it was packed and there were oblivious people everywhere.  There was a gaggle of obese high school aged girls flapping around a jewelry display in the middle of the main aisle.  They were completely clueless and taking up the entire aisle so that no one could pass.

I cut into Junior’s to go around, but of course I had the cart thing, which is almost too wide to go down the rows in any section of the store.  Julia happily pulled items off the shelves, yelling “hi!” to every person she saw.

Then I didn’t even find a duvet for less than $100, and I didn’t really like any of the designs anyway.  I did find a shirt for me, a pumpkin spice Yankee candle (whoo!), and an outfit for J.  I went to check out and stupidly picked the first lane I came to.  There was a lady completing her transaction and a redneck-ish couple in line in front of me, but that was it.

Apparently the register’s tape jammed and the receipt didn’t come out, but the lady absolutely needed her gift receipts so it held up the line.  All of the other lanes had long lines as well, so I figured I’d wait – no big deal.  It can’t take more than a couple of minutes.  A manager was called over, and she messed with the tape for about 5 minutes.

The rednecks were getting restless.  The woman was glaring, muttering under her breath, and crossing her arms.  The man was calming her, and I was just trying not to stare too much at his gray teeth.  Well, the teeth he had I should say, which was about five.  And they were ALL gray.  Apparently, someone doesn’t have a dental plan…

Ten minutes passed and J was getting antsy because she was tired and hungry.  Then the cashier announced that she needed to close the lane and move to another, while asking the cashier directly next to her to take the redneck couple since they had been waiting so long.  Everyone else behind me quickly filtered into her new lane, leaving me stuck at the end of another line.

Fuck.  And this line had the slowest-moving woman I’ve ever seen.  A sloth seriously would have bagged my four items faster than this woman.

Posted on October 2nd 2010 in Journal

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