Halloween…the saving grace of October

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I have Halloween on the mind!  That’s the only thing about the month of October that keeps me from being utterly depressed over the cold weather.  There are a few things I have planned for this season.

A few of us are going to The Slaughterhouse this weekend for the haunted barn, haunted corn maze, and haunted hayride.  I’m worried that I will piss myself in the haunted barn part.  But I do love my haunts… that’s what makes me look forward to this time of year every year, and it brings back a lot of really fun memories from past Halloweens!

Another event I’m anticipating is the new Saw movie.  I saw a preview the other day and it said the movie is in 3D!  Should be sweet – I can’t wait.  Not sure when it opens, but it’s a definite must-see asap.

I haven’t decided if I’ll pass out candy this year.  We have the past couple of years, but  now with J it may be hard to do, especially if I decide to take her trick-or-treating or something else.  We’ll see… I do enjoy seeing all the dressed up kids, particularly the teenagers.  I find the teens funny and usually give them extra candy.

J is probably going to be a hershey kiss a la a hand-me-down costume from my mom, who had it for the girls when they were young.  I considered an Elmo costume because the kid is so obsessed with that thing, but the only costume I found was $30, and I’m  not about to spend $30 on a toddler’s costume so….

Posted on October 7th 2010 in Journal

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