mmm…bacon (but not tonight)

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Tonight, I found out what happens when you overcook bacon…

Sometimes breakfast for dinner just sounds good, and that’s what we decided to do tonight.  We had a half pack of bacon to use up, and I decided to make some Belgian waffles with blueberries.  So I put the pan on the burner and turned it to medium, arranged the bacon strips in the pan, and started preparing the waffle mix.

After having the mix ready to go and the waffle iron hot, I checked on the bacon.  It seemed to be cooking rather slowly.  I flipped each piece, turned the burner up just a tad higher, then went back to the other counter to start the waffles.

It only takes about 4 minutes for a waffle to cook.  When the first one was done, I removed it and checked the bacon again – still not quite done so I flipped it again.  In the meantime, J was in the other room screeching and crying, tears and snots running down her face all for no evident reason.  So by this time I’m a  bit flustered with her antics while trying to prepare dinner.  I knew she was hungry so I took 1/4 of the waffle I had just made and cut it up for her, along with several strawberries and delivered her plate so she could start eating.

I got her settled and eating, then went back to the kitchen to make our waffles.  But first – the bacon.  I went to the pan to remove and drain it and… SHIT!  It’s black.  I quickly grabbed the tongs and started fishing around in the pan to see if any of it was salvageable.  It was not.  Not only was it beyond black, when I grasped it with the tongs it actually liquefied!  I’ve never seen anything like this.  I totally expected it to be crisp and brittle – inedible still, but hard as a rock.

Nope!  It actually turned into a black, gelatinous blob of smelly pig fat.

I let it cool in the pan for a couple of hours then poured the mass into the garage trash bin.  Of course this whole ordeal filled the house with acrid smoke.  It still smells in here and probably will for the next couple of days.

Posted on October 14th 2010 in Journal

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