Top 5: MT’s worst characteristics

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After careful examination and analysis, I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 most irritating things about MT.  Here’s what made the cut, in no particular order:

  1. MT’s breath is rancid.  Hint:  brush your damn teeth, then use some Listerine!  Hell, you may even want to invest in some doublemint or something…
  2. The way MT will rub his/her eyes and they make this squishy, disgusting sound.  Sick… I don’t need to hear your apparently excessive eye fluid squeaking around in there.  It makes me want to vomit!
  3. The way MT will lean back when sitting while extending his/her arms up, hands laced behind the head.  First, everyone knows this is a classic posture of superiority or dominance, and … just no.  That makes me laugh out of pity and disdain.  Second, it reminds me of a position in which to receive a BJ which is just another horrifying image.
  4. The relentless stuttering and stammering when flustered or confused, which is quite often.
  5. The total lack of memory and retention.

Pretty much

Posted on October 17th 2010 in Journal

2 Responses to “Top 5: MT’s worst characteristics”

  1. CMT Says:

    You tried to keep the gender a mystery, but I think you gave it away in the second half of number 3 🙂

  2. J Says:

    Yeah I know… I should have just said “get head” or something LOL