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J returned home today and I am so happy. I missed that little peach and her smiling plump little cheeks! I can’t stand being away from her. It’s weird.

We had to stop at Lowe’s and Kroger today and she grinned at everyone, exclaiming “hi! hi!” I really don’t know where she gets her congeniality. It’s not from me, that’s for sure. But I really don’t think it’s from C either… even less likely it’s from him than me. If that’s possible. And I don’t know that it is.

Some words that have probably never been used to describe me: friendly, sociable, outgoing, perky, approachable.

But anyway, back to my peach. 🙂 She’s hilarious. I gave her some ravioli today for dinner. I handed her a spoon. She examined it for a second, picked up a ravioli with her finger, then placed it on the spoon. She slowly lifted the spoon towards her mouth, then suddenly she grabbed the food off the spoon with her other hand and shoved it violently into her mouth. Then she tossed the spoon aside and continued to ravenously shovel pieces of pasta into her mouth, hand over fist. She finished her entire bowl of pasta within a couple of minutes.

We may have future issues with her lack of table manners…

Posted on October 25th 2010 in Journal

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