the trainwreck that is facebook…

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Wow, so facebook is apparently a platform in which to air passive-aggressive frustrations and rants for all to see.

I see this practically every day.  People posting these vague, snarky comments that are clearly intended for someone to see.  The operable word is “someone.”  Not every-fucking-one.

I’ve been friended by people from high-school whom I barely (if ever) actually spoke to in school – and I’m almost 15 years out of high school!  Ok, fine.  I guess I can see friending former classmates (despite having ever really talked to them) just for the sake of being classmates.  Whatever.  My problem is that it’s these people who are the worst offenders with the whole sharing of personal vendettas on their facebook status for all to see (and if you’re me, roll your eyes at).

Needless to say, I promptly unfriend people who do this.  If I am not your real-life friend and haven’t spoken with you in years, then obviously I don’t care about your baby-daddy dramas, rehab stints, or family feuds.

Anyway, I digress.  The reason I’m thinking about this tonight is because my sister passive-aggressively posted a small rant as her status today in regards to a party that her kids were not invited to.  The problem is she knows the person responsible for the party invites is on her friend list, so would obviously see the complaint and know it was about her.  Obviously, right?

The thing is, I fully agree with my sister’s perspective on the situation.  Her point was completely true and everything she said is fact.  However, why bother putting it there knowing it will elicit a defensive response?   I don’t see the point.

Being pointless is one thing.  I read pointless things all the time, and it actually has a certain degree of entertainment value, but the person involved in the discussion (for lack of a better word) cannot fucking spell or write a coherent sentence to save her life.

So please – if you’re going to have a public argument or discussion, please do so with people who understand and use proper English.  Thank you.

Don’t believe me?  See for yourself…  This is completely devoid of punctuation or coherence.  There are numerous misspelled words.

For real

Posted on October 27th 2010 in Journal

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