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So I rented a new workout dvd from Netflix.  It’s Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and holy shit…  Twenty minutes of non-stop work.    I’ve been so incredibly sore.  Well not so bad today but the first couple of days were bad; I could barely stand up without looking  like an elderly woman with a broken hip.

This can only mean it’s working, and despite being so short of a workout I actually sweated (which normally doesn’t happen with my Fit TV workouts, some of which are an hour long).  So I have high hopes for it.  I really just want a toned stomach.  I think I need to lose maybe 15lbs, tone up, and we’ll be good to go.

I hate feeling like such a fat-ass all winter, unable to go outside to do anything active because it’s so freaking freezing.  I figure I’ll give this a try first to see how it works, then if I still need more I’ll just join the Y or something.  Kind or pricey but it might be cool to have access to a pool 🙂

Posted on November 22nd 2010 in Journal

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