I’m the biggest loser for watching this show!

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So I just so happen to be watching The Biggest Loser tonight.   Don’t judge, ok?  As long as  I’m not watching Glee, I feel content with my television programming selections.

Actually, I can’t seem to get into this show anymore.  When it first came  out I just I had to watch it, going as far as getting a season pass on the tivo (much to C’s dismay and disgust).  I think I lost interest when they started having partners come on the show together.  Like mother / daughter, husband / wife, hooker / john.  It’s just depressing.  These people come on and showcase that their entire family is morbidly obese.

I guess before when it was just contestants on their own competing, I didn’t really think of them in any sort of social or family context at all.  It was just some fat dude groaning and sweating profusely all over a treadmill with Jillian screaming all up in his face.  Now it’s like, ok, here’s half a family who collectively weigh half a ton; you imagine them sitting at home in their underwear sweating all over the couch from shoveling cheetos down the hatch while watching fox news.

And frankly, I’ve also never been a fan of how they put these people in  spandex shorts and sports bras (or just topless for the men, though some could probably reap the benefits a sports bra has to offer) for the weigh-ins, displaying the fat rolls in all their wondrous, doughy glory.  Seriously, how humiliating?  I’m a normal weight and still wear a one-piece to the beach because I’m not toned enough.  I really can’t imagine just letting it all literally hang out for millions to view.

And no, I’m not all “anti fat person” or anything like that.  It’s great that these people are turning it around – clearly it’s a tremendous amount of work to shed all that weight and then keep it off & they deserve kudos for that.

Is this really necessary? Really?

Posted on January 4th 2011 in Journal

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