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This time of  year is so depressing.  I was sitting here today dreading having to go back to work tomorrow (therefore wasted the entire day with worry and dread) when I realized that – shit – we don’t get another holiday until May, I think.  So the fact that I have nothing to really look forward to now, coupled with the dreary, drab, cold, and bleak time of year is seriously dragging me down.   Yes, it seems that my so-called depression has once again gripped me in its unyielding throes.

And, oh by the way I just (as in two days ago) decided that I need to get off my Zoloft so already began weaning myself by halving the dose.  Brilliant…

Actually, it just occurred to me that maybe because I started weaning myself off my crutch I’m starting to feel sad again.  I really don’t know… chicken or the egg I guess.  It doesn’t help that I received some pretty shitty news today too.  Maybe (hopefully) my mood will improve tomorrow, but I doubt it.  Alas, it’s Monday and I have to work.  Same old crap over and over again.  Get up, drop J at daycare, work all day, pick J up, go home, chase her around, have dinner, see C for a mere couple of hours, sit, sleep, repeat.

In hopes of heading this off (or maybe it is combating it at this point), I signed up for a photography class tonight.  It’s an 8 week course on fundamentals.  I’ve been interested in creating artistic shots for some time now, and keep telling myself I need to take a class to learn settings and so forth so finally just did it.  What the hell, right?  Now I just need to fit my photography assignments into the routine…. or rather, break up the dreaded routine…

Posted on January 9th 2011 in Journal

2 Responses to “S.A.D.”

  1. CMT Says:

    You have skiing to look forward to with us girls 🙂

  2. J Says:

    Very true 🙂