no thanks…

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Facebook is a great thing and all, but I regret ‘friending’ people from high school with whom I have absolutely no desire to keep in touch.  I should clarify – I did not friend them, but was friended by them then stupidly accepted because I’m a tard.

So this one girl (again, someone I may have passingly made friendlies with in high school but basically forgot existed on 6/5/1996 – the day after graduation) is sending out constant reminders on facebook about a 15 year reunion.  She’s sort of scouting who is interested in having one, gathering contact info, that sort of thing.

OF COURSE I want nothing to do with any event that’s going to congregate all of these horrid people in one presumably tiny, dank hick bar because they’re all losers without enough money to afford somewhere nice.  Nothing against the dank hick bar, mind you, but I don’t want to relive any of that anxiety and disdain I suffered at the hands of these cretins.

So naturally I’ve been ignoring all communique regarding this awful event-to-be, but many people are not ignoring these requests.  Why they have to ‘reply to all’ is something I’ll never fully understand.  People are so vain to believe that since they were some popular little queen when they were 17, everyone cares that “yes, I would definitely LOVE to have a reunion!”  hee hee hee!

Posted on January 26th 2011 in Journal

One Response to “no thanks…”

  1. CMT Says:

    I think somebody needs to “clean up” their friends list…