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Why is it that no one seems to see that far right ‘libertarian’ style ideology is just as insane as far left ‘commie’ ideology?  It’s crazy.  Most rational people see communism as something that, in theory, sounds great.  Everyone has everything they need!  Somehow everyone freely and willingly contributes per their abilities.  But in practice it’s impossible to succeed.  Isn’t libertarianism the same?  Sounds great on paper…   you have complete freedom.  Do whatever you want – most things are legal.  Your money is yours.  No ‘entitlements’ exist.  Each individual has to live with the consequences of his choices.  Whoever said ‘no man is an island’?  That’s not the case here; it’s more like “I’ve got mine, fuck you” and you most certainly are an island.   But of course any sane person can see that this is just as crazy and impractical as communism.  You live in a society.  Some things that are universally necessary to all within a society (roads, schools, medicine, security) are most efficiently managed at a collective level.  The profit and individualist motives do not work here.  It’s impractical and insane to live ‘every man for himself’ in an advanced society.  It makes no sense.  We can’t just all start building our own roads.  And I don’t know about you, but I’m not really about to test my own paint for lead and my water supply for chemicals and bacteria.  Just as people are not going to give as much as they can and take only what they need in a communistic society, people (or other entities, like businesses) are never going to just do what’s ‘right’ (eg, not poison people with bad products or something) because in the long term, the free market will destroy them.

Posted on February 17th 2011 in Journal

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