Eating while driving: A rant

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I get so disgusted when I see some fat cow pull away from the drive-through and immediately start stuffing her (or his, let’s be fair) mouth.   A ravenous chomp into a cheeseburger, grease and onions and shit smearing their face, followed by a fistful of fries shoved down their gullet- all before the car’s rear bumper passes the ‘thank you, come again!’ sign.  It’s gross.

My thoughts on fast food – it’s tasty, I’ll admit.  I love french fries as much as anyone.  However, it’s not something to eat regularly if you have any self-respect and dignity.  Now if you are so starved that you can’t wait until you get back home before eating, then just fucking go inside the restaurant and eat your meal sitting at a table like a civilized person.  Don’t pathetically shred the bag apart and stuff your gluttonous face as soon as it reaches your hand through your car window.

If this resembles you, be ashamed.

Posted on February 24th 2011 in Journal

2 Responses to “Eating while driving: A rant”

  1. TacoFlavoredPoop Says:


  2. J Says:

    you’re a dork