Men have no idea how easy they have things. They have no idea of the delicate protocol that women must endure in life. We’re expected go through this almost political dance of sorts with family, friends, work, whatever. A dance that would be completely foreign to men. We have to do baby or wedding showers (possibly even in that order), for example, and do everything correctly. If a friend of a friend happened to send you a baby gift 5 years ago and now they’re the ones having a baby, they’ll remember exactly what they gave and how much was spent. You as a woman are expected to remember these details to return the favor, which may or may not ever even occur. Women remember everything, every detail, and that sounds ok until you realize that the reason they remember so much is so that it can be used against you later in some fashion; you’ll be judged by sort of a yard stick of memories the person has chosen to compile in the back of her mind about you. Men? They barely remember that there was a shower (that they of course didn’t have to attend), let alone what was received and who presented it. Men are so much more easy-going. If a guy does something for or gives something to another guy, it will never be discussed or thought of again after the event occurs. A guy would never sit around with bated breath waiting for his buddy to give him a gift or something, then be hurt if it doesn’t happen. It’s annoying.
Posted on April 5th 2011 in Journal
April 6th, 2011 at 21:17
I hate being a woman.