“my favorite things”

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Here’s a handful of things I find so utterly annoying that I decided to…um..write a blog about it.  Because what else could I do?  Come on…

When a guy calls another guy “brah” (aka, bra or bruh).

Why?  Because you have to be saturated in douche to actually allow yourself to utter this pet name.  “Bro” is ok* since it is short for brother, which in my humble opinion is not a douche thing to call someone.  But white dudes from the midwest calling other white dudes from the midwest ‘bra’?  Please stop.

*As long as it is said only once per interaction / conversation.

When people make statements totally incongruous to their situation.

Why?  Because it is induces confusion headaches.  Today I was chatting with a lady who is a heavy smoker.  Not sure if you would classify her as a chain smoker because I don’t know what the technical definition of that is.  She smokes a lot though-  several ciggies during the course of a work day.  So anyway, she was telling me how there were spiders in her office and she grabbed some wasp spray and sprayed it all over in hopes of killing the spiders.  She then said “I hope I don’t get cancer from all this spray.”  I hope she was being facetious.

When people post 50,000 music videos from youtube on facebook.

Why?  Because it fills my entire feed.  You blast out 10 videos in a row and a song is about 4 minutes on average, right?  So who is going to sit there for 40 minutes watching the videos you so painstakingly shared?  Nobody!  Nobody watches any video you post, music or otherwise!  Oh, and your taste in music sucks.


Why?  Because who doesn’t find them irritating, and they’re especially abundant this evening.  They’re even coming into my house.  I’ll probably have to wear repellant to bed to avoid being eaten.  Even the dogs are being devoured by mosquitoes.

Posted on August 9th 2011 in Journal

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