surrounded by morons

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Today I was reminiscing with my old supervisor about this horrible woman who started and aggressively spread all over the office a rumor that I was gay with my best friend who also worked there.  Ah, lovely.  Reason it came up is the woman had emailed me recently for something work  related and I mentioned it to N, then that snowballed into how terrible of a person this lady was (is, I should say).  I thought the rumor was pretty hilarious at that time because a) not only was it untrue, it was demonstrably false without question, and b) why would it matter if I was.  I mean if it were true I would have admitted it without any problem yet all these shallow, petty people were scurrying around, eagerly flapping their slack jaws like it was some earth-shattering revelation – a potentially GAY person!  Like, oh my god Becky!

I don’t understand the immaturity of people.  These were all adults.  I was young, early 20’s at the time, but these people were for the most part several years older.  I don’t get it.   Had it occurred to me at the time, I would have come up with a hilarious and elaborate ruse, “proving” my “homosexuality.”  I would have had a great laugh regarding their complete and utter idiocy for falling for such obviously false nonsense.

Posted on November 4th 2011 in Journal

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